Serving Our Community


A core part of Habitot’s mission as a non-profit organization is to support parents and caregivers—from as broad an audience as possible—as they raise creative, curious, and confident children. A goal this large, one that attempts to reach further with each new step, requires listening to our community, amplifying voices, and forming partnerships.


We have found that partnerships with local community agencies are vital for Habitot to achieve its goal of reaching a broad audience. We love to support mission-aligned agencies by hosting events, fundraising to benefit children whose families can’t currently afford children’s museum extras, and amplifying agency voices. In return, we get to make new friends and learn more about the community we live in, all while furthering our mission.

Current Partners & Supporters

Formal partnerships with 14 social service agencies and the Department of Children and Family Services help families find their way to Habitot. We’re so grateful for the agencies that introduce families to Habitot and the generous donors, foundations, and funders who make so many of our programs possible. It takes all of us!

Please inquire about your agency partnering with Habitot by contacting


Habitot curates messages from our community to amplify them through our platforms (this website, for one) and our weekly Habitot-at-Home Activities & Updates.

Habitot-at-Home Weekly includes monthly parenting article and children’s book recommendations  that anyone can have delivered to their inbox for free.

We announce messages from our partners and our mission-aligned agencies both on our website and through email. Examples of this can be found on our LGBTQ+ Resources page and our Early Childhood Safety Campaign page.

Current Programs

Habitot has been creating Play & Learning Kits and distributing them for free through our agency partners since the beginning of the pandemic.

Our goal is to make children’s museum extras accessible to families who can’t currently afford them for their children.

BoxiTot Kits for Families

Thanks to a generous grant from the Vela Foundation, Habitot provides free BoxiTot Play & Learning kits to individual families and through social service agencies to client families.

Art & Early Literacy Kits

The Trio Foundation is currently supporting the distribution of 230 art-focused kits with books and art materials to seventy families receiving public assistance.

Birthday-in-a-Box Kits for Family Shelters

Currently, Habitot is supporting ten family shelters in Alameda and Contra Costa counties with our Birthday-in-a-Box kit program, making sure children experiencing homelessness are celebrated on their special day.

Programs for a Past & Future Museum

Pre-pandemic, Habitot offered free or low-cost admission to over 8,000 parents and children every a year through scholarship memberships, free Head Start field trips, steeply discounted admission for families with EBT cards (receiving public assistance) through the Museums for All program, and Open House events.

We’re excited for the time when Habitot reopens in our future museum, and family engagement Open House events can once again be organized for teen parents, children with disabilities and their families, families living in shelters or transitional housing, formerly incarcerated parents and their children, and families in the child welfare system including foster, adoptive, and kinship care families.