Art-at-Home activities are supported in part by a Berkeley Civic Arts Grant. Thank you!
Pretending fosters self expression, social interaction, and confidence.
Turn your throwaways into art, science, and engineering projects. These activities can help your child understand the importance of reducing waste while experiencing the excitement of reusing materials in creative ways.
Activating your child’s five senses is the foundation for all learning. Activities like handling play-dough, making bubbles, and playing with sand support brain and motor development while encouraging creative problem-solving and scientific thinking.
The outdoors is the best learning environment for young children! Being in and observing natural environments helps children develop a deeper sense of curiosity and work on problem-solving skills.
These projects create moments when a child says, “Wow!” STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) activities provide hands-on learning experiences about real world concepts like basic chemistry, counting, matter, and more.
Open-ended art experiences build math, science and literacy concepts, and help children develop their fine motor skills. While making art, children explore and experiment, create, recognize patterns, and use different tools.